Michael Robert DiCicco

  • 2013-14 Mathematics Course Work Scholarships for Grades Pre-K-5 Teachers Recipient

    Michael Robert DiCicco

    Mansfield Middle School, Storrs, Connecticut
    Improving my Expertise as a Teacher Leader of Mathematics

    Through rigorous math course work as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative at the University of Vermont my three year goal is to grow as a teacher leader of mathematics education and become a math coordinator or math coach in a local district. This math leadership program is made up of three core components: effective mathematics pedagogical practices, depth of knowledge of the content and development of teacher leaders. The courses I have taken have already had an impact on my teaching and my students' learning. I am becoming more fluent with the Common Core State standards and practices and I am more aware of where we are as a district in our implementation of the CCSS. I have not yet finished my third class in this program and I have already been exposed to so much that I have brought back to my classroom and my district.