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A position of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
NCTM Position
Early childhood learning lays the foundation for a child’s mathematical journey. Young children
flourish when supported in rich learning environments; yet access and outcome vary significantly by social identities. To approach early childhood learning through the lens of equity
requires the early childhood education system to acknowledge that the disenfranchisement
and discrimination faced by young children, their families, and early childhood educators are
systemic. Equitable early childhood education demands culturally and linguistically responsive
teaching; developmentally expansive and inclusive practices that respect diversity and value all
children’s strengths; and the voices of caregivers, families, educators, and children elevated in the
decision-making process. Such practices in turn require that early childhood teachers have the
support of policies, organizational structures, and resources that enable them to succeed in this
challenging and important work.
Early childhood is an important and vulnerable time; these years lay the foundation for a child’s
mathematical journey. High-quality early mathematics experiences have a long-lasting impact,
serving as a catalyst for children’s later success in life. These beginning exposures to mathematics
send powerful messages about who and what is valued. More so, experiencing mathematics in ways
where children see themselves as important provides foundations for the kinds of relationships they
develop with mathematics and the emergence of their mathematical identities (Boaler 2014). In fact,
children’s early mathematical knowledge serves as a predictor of later mathematics success and their
college and career opportunities (Shah et al. 2018; Watts et al. 2014).
Young children flourish when supported in rich learning environments; yet access and outcome vary
significantly by social identities. For example, opportunity disparities, the number and frequency
of suspension and expulsions, and placement in special education or lower-tracked settings disproportionately target Black boys and Latinos (Annamma, Morrison, and Jackson 2014). The current
landscape of early childhood learning reflects societal stratification by race and class and contributes to the compounding impact of systemic racism against Communities of Color (Adair and
Colegrove 2021; NAEYC 2019). Children who are historically and contemporarily marginalized
(e.g. students of Color, those from low-income families, emergent bilinguals, and students with
disabilities) are more likely to receive narrow conceptions of mathematics learning and achievement
through low-cognitive-demand tasks, an overemphasis on procedural skills and fluency without
understanding, and limited opportunity to engage in mathematical play and inquiry (NAEYC 2010;
NCSM/TODOS 2016; NCTM 2020).
Despite decades of equity-based reforms, inequities persist (NCTM 2020). Efforts toward those
reforms will not change if the educational system structure is left unquestioned and deficit beliefs
and practices persist. To approach early childhood mathematics education through the lens of
equity requires the acknowledgment that the disenfranchisement and discrimination faced by young
children, their families, and early childhood educators are endemic and systemic. Equitable early
childhood education systems demand culturally and linguistically responsive teaching; developmentally expansive and inclusive practices that respect diversity and value all children’s strengths; and the
voices of caregivers, families, educators, and children elevated in the decision-making process. Below
are a series of recommendations. To ensure all children have access to equitable mathematics learning
opportunities, early childhood mathematics education must do the following:
- Capitalize on the wonder and joy children naturally bring to their mathematical
learning and their observations of the world. Mathematics is a living practice (Gutiérrez
2018). Children come to school with rich ways of making sense of the world mathematically.
Research evidence indicates that long before entering school, children spontaneously explore
and use mathematics in play and daily activities, and their mathematical knowledge can be
complex and sophisticated (Parks 2015). By capitalizing on the wonder and joy children
naturally bring to their learning and to their observations of the world, teachers can cultivate
and extend children’s mathematical sense and interest. Professional development courses and
workshops for future and current teachers need to model effective pedagogies for teaching
statistics and data science, in addition to focusing on developing understanding of statistical
concepts, mastery of statistical content, and knowledge of the essential ideas of statistical
thinking and problem solving. Providing such courses and workshops may require universities to expand (or initiate) preservice and outreach offerings in statistics. ASA and NCTM are
committed to taking appropriate action within the structures of their organizations to assist
in guiding the implementation of these recommendations.
- Use curriculum and teaching practices that build and strengthen children’s problem
solving and reasoning. Children’s mathematics learning and development are not linear.
Mathematics includes a wide range of concepts and ideas that are intricately connected and
should be taught through strengthening children’s problem-solving and reasoning processes.
Implementations from a one-size-fits-all developmental framework are harmful, leading to
the labeling and sorting of children, resulting in segregation, marginalization, and privilege
that is strongly correlated with race, language, class, and ability status (Annamma, Morrison,
and Jackson 2014; NEA 2015; Valencia Mazzanti and Allexshat-Snider 2018), and to the
narrowing of mathematics experiences to rote counting, number recognition, and procedures
and answer-getting activities (NAEYC/NCTM 2010; NCTM 2020). Young children are
intuitive problem solvers (Carpenter et al. 2017). We must not withhold problem-solving
opportunities or assume that learning to count precedes problem solving.
- Accept and appreciate that all children have rich and diverse cultural, linguistic, home,
and community experiences on which to build mathematics learning. Children have rich
and diverse experiences on which to build mathematics learning (Turner et al. 2011). Their
confidence, competence, and interest in mathematics flourish when educators recognize
each child’s unique strengths and create meaningful learning experiences connected with
their informal and formal mathematical knowledge and their cultural, linguistic, home, and
community experiences (Reid, Kagan, and Scott-Little 2017; Shah et al. 2018). Tapping into
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the potential of children, however, needs to move beyond surface level attempts (e.g., names
in problems, cultural food referents), to honor children’s heritage language, ways of problem
solving, and the mathematics already a part of their lives and communities (Souto-Manning
and Rabadi-Raol 2018).
- Build partnerships and opportunities for collaboration with students, families, community leaders, and policymakers to address barriers to educational attainment. Systemic
change must build on the funds of knowledge children and families bring. For too long,
“parents [have been] positioned as recipients of knowledge to support children at home to do
better at school” (TODOS 2020, p. 2). Parents and caregivers are children’s first teachers. To
advance equitable outcomes, early childhood education decision-makers must recognize and
build on the strengths of children, families, and early care educators and elevate their voices
in the decision-making process.
- Develop systems of reflective practice across affected parties for equitable access to early
care and childhood mathematics learning opportunities. To ensure equitable access to
high-quality learning, all affected parties need to actively confront inequitable policies and
practices, including challenging our own beliefs. It is important to recognize that we all hold
conscious and unconscious beliefs about what each child can learn and do, about what mathematics is important to learn, and about how mathematics should be taught (Reid, Kagan,
and Scott-Little 2017). These beliefs translate into equitable and inequitable teaching practices and school structures. Critical conversation, self-reflection, and collaborative actions are
needed among all stakeholders, including teacher preparation and support. Teacher education
programs must include attention to the mathematics component of early childhood programs
and continuing professional development opportunities to support high-quality mathematics
education. The development of institutional policies that promote teachers’ collaborative
learning and planning can provide necessary resources to overcome classroom, community,
institutional, and system-wide barriers to young children’s mathematical success (Cuban
2013; NRC 2009, 2015).
- Adair, Jennifer Keys., and Kiyomi Sanchez-Suzuki Colegrove. 2021. Segregation by Experience: Agency, Racism, and Learning in the Early
Grades. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Annamma, Subini, Deb Morrison, and Darrell Jackson. 2014. “Disproportionality Fills in the Gaps: Connections between
Achievement, Discipline and Special Education in the School-to-Prison Pipeline.” Berkeley Review of Education 5, no. 5 (January):
- Carpenter, Thomas P., Megan Franke, Nicholas Johnson, Angela Chan Turrou, and Anita Wager. 2017. Young Children’s Mathematics:
Cognitively Guided Instruction in Early Childhood Education.
- Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Cuban, Larry. 2013. Inside the Black Box of Classroom Practice: Change without Reform in American Education. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Education Press.
- Gutiérrez, Rochelle. 2018. “The Need to Rehumanize Mathematics.” In Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education: Rehumanizing
Mathematics for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Students, edited by Imani Goffney, Rochelle Gutiérrez, and Melissa Boston, pp.
1–10. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). 2019. Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education.
Washington, DC: NAEYC.
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- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(NCTM). 2010. Early Childhood Mathematics: Promoting Good Beginnings. Joint position statement of NAEYC and NCTM.
Washington, DC: NAEYC.
- National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) and TODOS: Mathematics for All. 2016. Mathematics Education through
the Lens of Social Justice: Acknowledgment, Actions, and Accountability. Aurora, CO: NCSM and TODOS.
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). 2020. Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics:
Initiating Critical Conversations. Reston, VA: NCTM.
- National Education Association (NEA). 2015. Research Spotlight on Academic Ability Grouping.
- National Research Council. 2009. Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood: Paths toward Excellence and Equity. Washington, DC:
National Academies Press.
- National Research Council (NRC). 2015. Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation.
Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
- Reid, Jeannie L., Sharon Lynn Kagan, and Catherine Scott-Little. 2017. “New Understandings of Cultural Diversity and the
Implications for Early Childhood Policy, Pedagogy, and Practice.” Early Childhood and Care 189, no. 6 (July): 1–14. https://doi.
- Shah, Prachi E., H. M. Weeks, B. Richards, and N. Kaciroti. 2018. “Early Childhood Curiosity and Kindergarten Reading and Math
Academic Achievement.” Pediatric Research 84, no. 4 (April): 380–86.
- Souto-Manning, Mariana, and Ayesha Rabadi-Raol. 2018. “(Re)Centering Quality in Early Childhood Education: Toward
Intersectional Justice for Minoritized Children.” Review of Research in Education 42, no. 1 (March): 203–25. https://doi.
- TODOS: Mathematics for All. 2020. Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Parents as Partners in Mathematics Education. Position statement.
- Turner, Erin E., Corey Drake, Amy Roth McDuffie, Julia Aguirre, J., Tonya Gau Bartell, and Mary Q. Foote. 2011. “Promoting Equity
in Mathematics Teacher Preparation: A Framework for Advancing Teacher Learning of Children’s Multiple Mathematics Knowledge
Bases.” Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 15, no. 1 (February): 67–82.
- Valencia Mazzanti, Cristina, and Martha Allexsaht-Snider. 2018. “¿Es lo Mismo? Bilingual Children Counting and Making Sense
of Numbers.” In Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education: Rehumanizing Mathematics for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx
Students, edited by Imani Goffney, Rochelle Gutiérrez, and Melissa Boston, pp. 135–45. Reston, VA: National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics.
- Watts, Tyler W., Greg J. Ducan, Robert S. Siegler, and Pamela E. Davis-Kean. 2014. “What’s Past Is Prologue: Relations between Early
Mathematics Knowledge and High School Achievement.” Educational Researcher 43, no. 7 (October): 352–60
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