Start this lesson by reading a counting book of your choice. (Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews is especially appropriate, but any book which uses a "count on by 1" strategy will work.) Then ask students to tell what happened in the book. Next, tell the students that in this lesson they will explore patterns that grow according to a rule. Display the following growing pattern (without the numbers):
Ask, "What will come next in this pattern?" [Students may find this question easier to answer if they copy the pattern onto paper.] Have the students explain how they got the answer. When someone has given the correct answer, write the number of dots in each row. Solicit student responses to add additional rows to this pattern and label them. Ask the students if they know a name for this pattern and the rule they would use to add more rows to the pattern.
Next display the pattern below and tell the students this is called an L pattern. Ask students how each L is changing. After students state the answer, or as a hint, write the number of dots used below each L. Ask several students to state the rule they would use to add more figures to the pattern. Call on students to draw the next three L shapes in the pattern.
Distribute the Growing Pattern Activity Sheet to students.
Growing Patterns Activity Sheet
Have them add three more steps in the pattern and write a number pattern to match the figures. Ask students to share their shape and number patterns, explaining how they identified the pattern.