Additional Signals

  • Additional Signals

    PoW ID: 1674

    Problem Print

    Flashlight Joey and Erin, whom we first met in Simple Signals, have a new friend. Hunter moved to town just last week, and they've discovered they all share the same love of adventure.

    We know that Joey and Erin signal each other from a distance of 1433.14 meters. Erin then rotates another 27 degrees to signal Hunter. Joey rotates 40 degrees to signal Hunter.

    How far apart are Erin and Hunter? How far apart are Joey and Hunter?

    Answer Check

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    Erin and Hunter are 1000.76 meters apart. Joey and Hunter are 706.82 meters apart.

    If your answer does not match ours:

    • Did you try drawing a picture to help you visualize the problem?
    • Did you find the third angle in the triangle formed by Joey, Erin, and Hunter?
    • Did you remember that the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees?
    • Did you use trigonometric laws such as the Law of Sines or the Law of Cosines to find your answer?
    • Did you check your arithmetic?
    • Did you solve Simple Signals first before solving Additional Signals?  

    If your answer does match ours,

    • Did you explain any trigonometry concepts that you used?
    • If you used a guess and check strategy, did you explain how you chose the numbers you guessed?
    • If you drew a picture, did you describe or upload the picture you drew?
    • Did you check your work?
    • Can you think of another strategy you could use to solve the problem?
    • Is there a hint that you could give a student who is struggling to solve the problem?
    • Did you describe any "Aha!" moments that you had?
    • If you used a calculator, did you explain how you used the calculator and what the calculator was doing?
    • Could you explain your work so another student who was stuck could understand how to solve it?