Analyzing Angles

  • Analyzing Angles

    PoW ID: 3231

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    In the picture below, if the measure of ∠1 is (2x + 10)º, the measure of ∠2 is (5x - 40)º, and the measure of ∠4 is 60 degrees, find the actual angle measures of ∠1, ∠2, and ∠3.


    Extra: If we don't know that the measure of ∠4 is 60 degrees, can we still determine anything about the measure of ∠3? Why or why not?

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    The measure of ∠1 is 70 degrees, the measure of ∠2 is 110 degrees, and the measure of ∠3 is 50 degrees.

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    If your answer does not match our answer,

    • did you determine that ∠1 is congruent to ∠DBA?
    • how are ∠2 and ∠DBA related?

    If your answer does match ours,

    • did you also find the measure of ∠3?
    • have you carefully explained each step that you took?
    • are there any hints that you would give another student?
    • did you make any mistakes along the way? If so, how did you find them?