Deepti's save percentage is currently .855. If she saves every shot, it will take 59 shots for her season save percentage to reach .900.
Extra: Deepti will need to face 145 shots to raise her season save percentage to .900.
If your answer doesn't match our answer,
- and you got 6, did you remember that in order to make a save Deepti must also face a shot?
- and you got 43, you might be solving an older version of the problem - check for changes.
- did you realize that her total number of shots and saves will each increase by the same amount if she saves every shot?
- did you check your arithmetic?
If your answer does match ours,
- did you use algebraic techniques to find your answer?
- is your explanation clear and complete? Did you show all the work that you did so that it's easy to follow?
- did you make any mistakes along the way? If so, how did you find and fix them?
- are there any hints that you would give another student?
- did you try the Extra?