Bringing Social Justice to the Mathematics Classroom

Bringing Social Justice to the Mathematics Classroom:

From Student Questions to Taking Action   

Date:  Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.ET
Cost:  $150 with purchase of full annual meeting registration / $200 to attend only the preconference workshop
Preregistration required

Grade Band:  K-12

Description:  Teaching Math for Social Justice (TMSJ) is much more than the lessons teachers might implement in their classrooms. It is about the relationships they build with and among students; the teaching practices that help them do that; and the goals to develop positive social, cultural, and mathematics identities—as authors, actors, and doers. During this workshop, educators will engage in the use of a social justice mathematics lesson framework as they design a lesson to teach mathematics for and with social justice.

Outcomes:  Participants will collaboratively design a lesson and supporting instructional practices as they unpack the concept of social justice in the mathematics classroom through the following lenses:

  • About social justice - plan a lesson to look at serious or even provocative issues using mathematics.
  • With social justice - design classroom interactions where the teacher uses various instructional practices that encourage equal participation and status.
  • For social justice - promote practices founded on the belief that mathematics is a tool to be used to challenge the status quo.   


Robert Q. Berry III, NCTM
Basil Conway, Columbus State University
Brian R. Lawler, Kennesaw State University
John W. Staley, Baltimore County Public School


8:00 a.m.– 9:00 a.m. 

Materials Pickup

9:00 a.m.–10:45 a.m.

Welcome About Social Justice: What school or community issue of social injustice might your students be interested to better understand and act upon?  

10:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

With Social Justice Relationships: How do I create a learning environment that supports social justice?  

12:00 p.m.–12:45 p.m.


12:45 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

Teams work on lessons

1:00 p.m.–1:45 p.m.

With Social Justice–Equitable Teaching Practices: How do I create a learning environment that supports social justice?  


1:45 p.m.–2:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

For Social Justice: How can I prepare and empower my students to use mathematics as a tool to challenge the status quo?  

3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

Sharing Social Justice Mathematics Lessons  

4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Closing Comments and Evaluation