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  • Webinar Series

    100 Days of Professional Learning

    Join NCTM as we celebrate our Centennial with 100 Days of Professional Learning. Live 60-minute webinars presented by selected speakers from the NCTM Centennial Annual Meeting program that was to be held in Chicago.

    E-Seminars and Webcasts

    E-seminars are recorded professional development webinars with facilitator guide and handouts. E-seminars are free for NCTM members. 

    Webcasts of Annual Meeting Keynote Sessions offer notable and thought provoking leaders in math education and related fields as they inspire attendees at NCTM Conferences.

  • 1 - 20 of 83 results

    This presentation will give straightforward advice on how to teach mathematics to ELLs. The speakers will describe strategies for facilitating classrooms discussions, helping ELLs read and interpret mathematics textbooks, and helping them tackle word problems.


    View Lee V. Stiff's rousing closing address.


    This presentation will give exclusive clips and behind-the-scenes insight from the new film, Flatland 2: Sphereland . Join the speakers for the sneak peek into the mathematics of making the new animated film, and catch exclusive clips from the movie featuring math lessons.


    This session will explore and address issues in the preparation and ongoing work of mathematics teachers at every level and offer suggestions on supporting and retaining them. 


    Pedro Noguera, a leader in education reform, will offer a dynamic, profound perspective on the challenges of racial inequality and diversity. He tackles the problems of race relations, desegregation, vouchers, and violence within schools and gives some solutions that you can use to bring equal opportunity in education to our schools.


    Using data from international comparisons to illustrate key points, this seminar will explore emerging research on the relationships between teaching and learning.   


    In this E-Seminar you will learn many different writing activities that can be used enhance learning in mathematics.


    A series of models will be used to demonstrate how formulas for the volumes of every solid studied in Geometry 1 - and many that are not - spring from the very shape whose name symbolized volume: the cube. The concept will be expanded to develop formulas for volumes of new shapes, culminating in the formula for the volume of the Dynamic Tower.


    The speakers will examine how to use the number line to help students understand fractions. Learn how to use the number line effectively to reinforce that fractions are numbers, develop an understanding of magnitude, and make comparisons. Strategies for addressing the Common Core State Standards will be presented.


    Learn how to use multiple representations to help students in their problem solving. Examples will include solutions with multiple representations and how different representations can support different types of learners


    Teachers will be introduced to design projects that incorporate the ideas of engineering with mathematics content, including consumer math, measurement, geometry and statistics. Participants will be given the opportunity to work in teams to create one of the designs in the session.


    Rote memorization through drill and practice does not lead to fluency. Let's look at ways we can help students use strategic thinking that develops to fluency through reasoning and sense making.


    This fast-paced session will stimulate participants to think about practical ways to bring about change in their classrooms and districts. One of the authors of NCTM's Principles to Actions, Daniel Brahier, will spotlight changes in curricular and assessment practices at the secondary level that can assist with implementation of the Common Core State Standards.


    Jeffrey Travis, director of the IMAX 3-D movie Flatland: The Movie , shows clips from the movie and discusses the power of storytelling in mathematics and in geometry in particular.


    This E-Seminar will concentrate on developing mathematical and instructional knowledge of fractions, ratios, and proportional thinking to improve students' understanding of fractional concepts and procedures.


    Iris Carl had a tremendous impact on the lives of students, parents, teachers, college educators, school administrators, and politicians. Her vision and ideals helped to shape NCTM and math education in the United States for the better. Carl's leadership brought needed change to math education and provides an example for all those who follow her.


    Presidential Address, "Who's Doing the Talking?"


    In this seminar, we'll explore how jokes can be used to help students retain information, illuminate concepts, and set the stage for problem solving.


    Assessment Considerations for RTI in Mathematics.  Response to Intervention (RTI) is a system through which early detection, prevention, and support identifies and assists students who are struggling.  This session will emphasize the assessment processes within this system. 


    This session highlights equity and access in NCTM's new signature publication Principles to Actions . This session will outline the range of actions intersecting with equity and access in PtA.

    1 - 20 of 83 results