Support MET! Help Us Get to our First Billion!

  • Support MET! Help Us Get to our First Billion!

    Support MET! Help Us Get to our First Billion!

    By Richard Seitz
    December 5, 2017

    Richard Seitz on Lake
    1 math educator floating with his 2 dogs 3km from a math and science institute on Canyon Ferry Lake.

    I often feel like life has blessed me with some wonderful opportunities! I was born in 1950 and have lived through some wonderful experiences that I’ve shared with an exciting group of fellow time travelers.  More than anything, I also cherish memories of my years as a mathematics educator.  That career certainly added friendships, fun, challenge, and joy to my life.  I know there are lots of other people out there who have found careers, interests, friendships, and successes in a life related to mathematical and educational interests.

    This blog entry offers you a simple challenge.  If your life has had some special rewards due to an interest in mathematics – consider the ways that you can give back to mathematics. One stellar choice is to contribute to the Mathematics Education Trust of NCTM.  Why is it important to give? I suggest you check out the MET Case Statement (PDF). One paragraph from that document is listed below.

    “We live in a time of extraordinary and accelerating change. New knowledge, tools, and ways of doing and communicating mathematics continue to emerge and evolve. The need to understand and be able to use mathematics in everyday life and in the workplace has never been greater and it will continue to increase. In this changing world, those who understand and can do mathematics will have significantly better opportunities and options for shaping their futures. Mathematical competence opens doors to productive lives. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) challenges the notion that mathematics is for only the select few. On the contrary, everyone needs to understand mathematics. All students should have the opportunity and necessary support to learn significant mathematics with depth and understanding. There should be no conflict between equity and excellence.”

    For more information on ways to  give to the Mathematics Education Trust, go to Help us to get to a million or a billion or, … !

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