Sarah Sword, Ryota Matsuura, Al Cuoco, Jane Kang, and Miriam Gates
Two high school classroom
situations illustrate how routinely promoting the two practices of experimenting and describing in increasingly precise language can support students’
Eileen B. Mooney
For effective
implementation in the classroom, this author uses technological, pedagogical,
and content knowledge along with Pólya’s four-step problem-solving approach.
Roger S. Wolbert and Erin R. Moss
This discovery-based lesson
is designed to provide students with opportunities for active engagement and
productive struggle as they construct angles and formulate a rich conception of
the radian.
Jane Gillette
Help students learn to
think more effectively, record their ideas in a systematic way, and listen to
their own thoughts.
Meghan Hubacz
Through the use of an
online homework platform and embedded homework help videos, second-year algebra
students learn to persevere in completing homework assignments.