Consider Speaking in Chicago!

  • Consider Speaking in Chicago!

    Consider Speaking in Chicago!

    By Patricia Trafton
    November 29, 2016

    Plan now to present at one of the premier mathematics professional development opportunities of the year while enjoying the winter holiday season by coming to the Windy City on Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2017. That’s right, Chicago will be the site of an NCTM Regional Conference and Exposition. So please consider submitting a proposal to speak. Lead speakers of proposals that are accepted will receive complimentary registration! That’s a 100% savings!

    The following strands will be featured at the Chicago NCTM Regional Conference. Please consider these as you plan the session or workshop we hope you will submit for consideration.

    • Designing Learning Experiences
      Presentations offer opportunities to explore how effective teaching can move students toward deeper understanding of important mathematical ideas.

    • Dismantling Barriers: Promoting Equity and Access
      Sessions in this strand will focus on dismantling barriers that have kept students from accessing mathematics and using it to improve their own lives and the lives of their communities.

    • A Student’s Journey in Mathematics
      A robust mathematics curriculum encompasses solid mathematical practices while engaging students and making connections to their lives while building their reasoning skills. Supporting teachers who endeavor to keep their students' journey coherent through such a curriculum while dealing with curriculum restraints is also the emphasis of the sessions in this strand.

    • Intentional, Effective Use of Tools and Technology
      Technology and tools are powerful resources in the math classroom when they are used purposefully to promote sensemaking, reasoning, and communication among students. The sessions in this strand will explore the use of tools and technology to give students access to meaningful problems, promote student discourse, encourage mathematical curiosity and inquiry, and visualize and understand mathematical ideas.

    • Assessment
      Assessments should drive everything that happens in classrooms, including the choices teachers make about instruction and tasks. Sessions in this strand will address questions such as: What supports do teachers need to use student thinking in their planning and instruction? How can we get better at assessing things like students' dispositions, and reasoning skills? How can we get better at assessing the extent to which our tasks meet our goals? How can we get better at using assessments to inform students about their learning?

    • Professionalism: Building Capacity, Collaboration, and Leadership
      This strand is for all math educators - teachers, principals, coaches, specialists, researchers, and professors. Sessions will explore topics such as leadership development, professional learning communities, and developing mathematical and pedagogical knowledge for all teachers to develop their craft.

    • STEM: Where’s the M?
      Sessions in this strand promote non-trivial mathematics integration in STEM teaching where students are engaged in rich real-world explorations, problem solving, and mathematical modeling while integrating science, technology and engineering processes.

    Access the Speaker Proposal Form

    We hope you’ll consider submitting a proposal to speak at the Chicago NCTM Regional Conference. The deadline for submitting a speaker proposal is December 1, 2016. Don’t delay; submit your proposal today!

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