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Name That Number

Sketchley and Madeira are playing a game of Name That Number. Here is the target number and the cards they have in this round:

The goal is to use as many of the five cards as you can to make a number sentence that equals the target number. The number sentence can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Sketchley says that he can make the target number of 8 using three of the cards. He wants to add 7 and 9 to get 16 and then divide 16 by 2 to get 8. He writes:

  1. Madeira points out that Sketchley's number sentence is not right. How can Sketchley fix it to make it right?

  2. Make your own number sentence using those cards and the target number of 8.

Extra: Madeira was able to make a number sentence that used all five of the cards. What might her sentence have been?