Chris Franklin

National Human Rights Commission Line.

Christine (Chris) Franklin is the K-12 Statistics Ambassador for the American Statistical Association and an elected ASA Fellow. She is retired from the University of Georgia as the Lothar Tresp Honoratus Honors Professor and Senior Lecturer Emerita in Statistics. She is the co-author of an Introductory Statistics textbook for AP Statistics and post-secondary, co-author of a sports statistics textbook for high school, and statistics writer for major ASA (Pre-K-12 GAISE and SET) and NCTM (Catalyzing Change) policy documents. She is a past Chief Reader for AP Statistics and a Fulbright scholar to New Zealand. Chris welcomes opportunities to collaborate and share her love of statistics with teachers and teacher educators. She is ‘crazy’ about running, hiking, scoring baseball games, and reading mysteries.

Chris Franklin.

Founder Human Right

Apr 15, 2020 07:09 PM EDT

Recommendations for Statistics in the Secondary Curriculum: Implications for Teachers

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