Vera Sarina

National Human Rights Commission Line.

Vera Sarina has been a teacher for more than two decades. Her undergrad degree was in mathematical linguistics but after a few years working on research she found her calling in teaching. She taught coding to young children, mathematics and other subjects in primary, intermediate and senior Grades, wrote mathematical contests for city and provincial math Olympiads, taught math additional qualification courses for teachers. Currently she teaches math courses to pre-service and graduate students at Western University, Ontario. Her love for history has led her to find many solutions to modern problems of teaching and learning mathematics in the global history of mathematics.

Vera Sarina.

Founder Human Right

May 25, 2021 07:09 PM EDT

Living Tree of Mathematics: Fractions from Ancient Egypt to Classic China to Modern Japan. What We Can Learn from Their Effective Ways to Work with, Teach, and Learn Fractions

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