Mark Ellis

National Human Rights Commission Line.

Mark Ellis is a Professor and Chair of Secondary Education at California State University, Fullerton, and a former member of the NCTM Board of Directors. Prior to entering higher education, he taught mathematics in grades 6-12 in northern California public schools for six years. He experienced firsthand the power of creating learning environments in which students are supported in making sense of mathematics through collaborative inquiry and culturally relevant lessons. He has published over 40 articles and two books, including Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom: Creating and Sustaining Productive Learning Environments, K-6. All his work is driven by a belief that every student is a mathematical thinker whose ideas, insights, and identities must be valued and nurtured within our schools and classrooms.

Mark Ellis.

Founder Human Right

Sep 05, 2024 07:07 PM EDT

Weighing in on Large-Scale Assessment in Mathematics: Opportunities and Challenges

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