High School Mathematics Reimagined Revitalized and Relevant

  • Shape the Future of High School Mathematics Education

    Discover a bold new vision for high school mathematics that empowers students through engaging, real-world learning.

    This essential publication reimagines the curriculum to focus on student-centered inquiry, revitalizes teaching practices, and ensures mathematics is relevant for today’s world. Equip your students with the skills they need to succeed in college, careers, and beyond.

    Relevant Learning: Engage students in learning that makes mathematics meaningful and relevant to their lives.

    Revitalize Teaching Practices: Shift to dynamic, student-centered approaches that foster curiosity and critical thinking.

    Math Reimagined: Align mathematics experiences to prepare all students for engagement, success, and increased opportunities.

    New! Executive Summary | Press ReleaseInfographic | Talking PointsBook Study


    Essential Resources

    State Studies

    Attending the 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition? Don't miss these special related sessions:

    • 151 — President Address: Reimagining High School Mathematics
    • 214.1 — Mathematical Modeling: Making Math Reimagined, Revitalized and Relevant for High School Students
    • 296.1 — Data Science & Statistical Reasoning: Making Math Reimagined, Revitalized and Relevant for HS
    • 437.1 — Crosscutting Concepts for High School Mathematics and Mathematical Processes I
    • 553.1 — Crosscutting Concepts for High School Mathematics and Mathematical Processes II

    Upcoming WebinarReimagining High School Mathematics | October 15 at 7:00 PM ET


    NCTM acknowledges the contributions of the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM) and NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education for their collaboration in the initial conception of High School Reimagined and in developing this bold new vision for high school mathematics education.

    HS Math Reimagined Cover